This follows the tragic collapse of the Kiteezi landfill in Kampala, which claimed 35 lives and destroyed hundreds of homes. Following decades of neglect, authorities are closing the overburdened dumpsite and pursuing sustainable solutions. Efforts include partnerships with global waste-to-energy developers like Infinitum Energy Group, which plans a $500 million renewable diesel project,
Author Archives: EcoImpact
Waste-to-energy (WTE) solutions, including the production of refuse-derived fuel (RDF), offer South Africa an opportunity to address its dual challenges of energy security and waste management, says local waste management company Interwaste group business development and marketing director Kate Stubbs.
We may consume less plastic per capita than the rest of the world, but Africa is still the second-most polluted continent in the world. Added to this, most of our waste is mismanaged, with a significant portion ending up in landfills, illegal dumpsites, as well as our rivers and oceans.
Thailand has banned plastic waste imports over concerns about toxic pollution, as experts warn that failure to agree a global treaty to cut plastic waste will harm human health
Africa’s waste management challenges, from methane emissions to inadequate infrastructure, present an urgent opportunity to transform waste into a resource that drives environmental sustainability and economic growth.
Water pollution in South Africa has worsened, and it has worsened largely due to the collapse of municipal governance. By not properly planning for, operating, maintaining or building water and sanitation infrastructure,
South Africa’s growing rat problem, driven by illegal dumping and poor waste management, has led to a surge in pesticide use among vendors and spaza shop owners trying to combat infestations.
The North Gauteng High Court, on 4 December, handed down judgment in the landmark constitutional litigation against the South African government’s decision to procure 1 500 MW of new coal-fired power. The court declared the decision unlawful and invalid, on the basis that there was insufficient consultation with, and consideration of, the harms and limitation of rights of present and future generations that could follow from building new coal electricity generation.
Delegates from 175 countries gathered in Busan, South Korea, last week for the fifth and final stage of negotiations for a global UN treaty to end plastic pollution.
The Environmental Management Inspectorate has conducted inspections at about 350 municipal landfill sites over the last five years, and only less than 20% of them are compliant on a national basis,’ says environment journalist, Tony Carnie.