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Climate-smart multinational Terragrn plans to turn up to 200 000 ha of unused land in coal mining-centred Mpumalanga, South Africa, into a $2-billion sustainable land management agroforestry project over the next ten years. Terragrn’s vision is to deliver community-centric, nature-based solutions

Date posted: 1 November, 2022 | Author: | No Comments »

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The quality of mine water discharge has improved significantly over the last decade, and research suggests that government could consider a transition away from current, active acid mine drainage (AMD) treatments, to a more passive approach. Council for Geoscience (CGS) environmental geosciences

Date posted: 26 October, 2022 | Author: | No Comments »

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The Water Technologies Demonstration Programme (Wader) has invested about R43.5-million in 46 projects from 2015 to 2022 as the technology arm of the National Water Research, Development and Innovation Roadmap. The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) has been the primary funder of the

Date posted: 21 October, 2022 | Author: | No Comments »

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The number of carbon capture and storage projects in development grew to record levels this year on the back of rising carbon prices and government incentives but would still only mitigate less than 1% of annual emissions, a new report finds. There are now 153 CCS projects in the planning phase

Date posted: 18 October, 2022 | Author: | No Comments »

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 The increase in capacity of wind energy generation is a key benefactor for the country to decarbonise its power sector, says South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) CEO Niveshen Govender. Over the past year, operational wind projects have reduced carbon emissions by 8.1-million tons.

Date posted: 7 October, 2022 | Author: | No Comments »

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Africa’s first verifiable emissions reduction platform, which uses a public decentralised ledger to track emission reductions, will start trading its first tokens this quarter. The platform, known as CYNK, will use the Hedera Hashgraph ledger, and trade tokens generated by Tamuwa, Kenya’s largest

Date posted: 3 October, 2022 | Author: | No Comments »

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A recent global safety report for mining indicates a gradual but steady improvement in mine safety, with a total recordable injury frequency rate at a low 2.9 – down from 5.07 just a decade ago. The Safety Performance Report by the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) benchmarked the

Date posted: 23 September, 2022 | Author: | No Comments »

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Several organised business formations have outlined six recommendations in a joint position statement on carbon tax, which they argue will improve the carbon tax proposals in the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill and “avert unintended consequences”. Released by the Energy Council of South Africa,

Date posted: 13 September, 2022 | Author: | No Comments »

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The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) has launched another school of specialisation with a focus on renewable energy and climate change, in Bophelong, Vanderbijlpark. The Dr Molefi Oliphant Maths, Science and Information and Communication Technology School of Specialisation will be the.

Date posted: 7 September, 2022 | Author: | No Comments »

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The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) reports in its ‘The Carbon Capture Crux – Lessons Learned’ report that underperforming carbon capture projects considerably outnumber successful projects globally, and by large margins, with both the technology and regulatory

Date posted: 1 September, 2022 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: News