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Carbon capture and storage is one of the tools in the toolkit that needs to be included in the decarbonisation mix if the world is to reduce emissions  effectively over a reasonable time horizon.

Date posted: 22 June, 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Carbon capture helpful decarbonisation tool – investment professionals

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A global atlas of freshwater life will use environmental DNA, or eDNA, to tackle the extinction crisis through the eBioAtlas programme, which will gather data at scale to support conservation, unlock investment and inform world biodiversity policy.

Date posted: 17 June, 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Global atlas of freshwater life will use eDNA to tackle extinction crisis

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Owing to the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions in South Africa last year, sustainability consultancy Solid Green altered its processes to assist the City of Johannesburg (CoJ) in meeting its net zero carbon goal by 2030, developing an EcoDistrict methodology for the city.

Date posted: 14 June, 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Consultancy alters green processes due to Covid-19

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South African National Parks (SANParks) has signed a bipartite agreement with French development agency Agence Française de Dévéloppement (AFD) for funding to preserve biodiversity in South Africa. The AFD is providing €1.85-million biodiversity efforts in South Africa and Reunion Island

Date posted: 1 June, 2021 | Author: | No Comments »

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Eco Impact can assist with ergonomics risk assessment in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Ergonomic Regulation, 2019.

Date posted: 28 May, 2021 | Author: | No Comments »

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For the past 50 years, human activities have dramatically reduced biodiversity across the globe. We have, through our actions, extinguished our habitats and reduced populations of plants and wild animals by up to 60% so that today, our natural resources and the species on our planet are under threat – from us. In fact, the negative impact we have made is astounding.

Date posted: 26 May, 2021 | Author: | No Comments »

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Speaking on the topic of understanding the circular economy in the South African context during a webinar hosted by Creamer Media on May 12, she explained that, in South Africa, the concept of circularity has been spoken of and written about by environmentalists since at least the 1960s.

Date posted: 18 May, 2021 | Author: | No Comments »

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