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The Alliance to End Plastic Waste – comprised of big energy, petrochemical and plastic manufacturing firms – said it would donate $1bn to “minimise and manage plastic waste and promote solutions for used plastics”.

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Environmental groups on Thursday poured cold water over a much-trumpeted initiative by some of the world’s biggest petrochemical firms to help end plastic refuse.

Date posted: 18 January, 2019 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: News

Residents have been warned to stay away from Clifton First Beach due to a sewage spill.

The City of Cape Town says the spill emanated from a blocked sewer.

“Members of the public are warned that any form of full contact, recreational activity such as swimming, diving, water skiing, paddle boarding and windsurfing may increase the risk of gastrointestinal problem as well as skin, eye, ear and respiratory irritations, ” says Mayoral Committee member JP Smith.

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Date posted: 18 July, 2018 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: News

The City of Cape Town is gambling with the future of one of the world’s most unique ecosystems as it pushes ahead with drilling for groundwater from the Table Mountain Group (TMG) Aquifer, ecologists are warning.

A group of environmental scientists have raised concerns over drilling operations in the vicinity of the Steenbras Dam, a nature reserve and part of the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve.

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Date posted: 20 February, 2018 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: News

A ruling by the Western Cape High Court has been described as “a watershed ruling” for the preservation of Cape Town’s rivers, floodplains, and wetlands.

The judgement refers to a case in which the City approached the courts to order Really Useful Investments, a developer of the Hout Bay Beach Club, to remove infilling material from the floodplain of the Disa River.

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Date posted: 20 February, 2018 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: News

The new version of the Carbon Tax Bill has recently been published. Why not take this opportunity to learn more about what is proposed to that you are able to access your liability for tax? It will also assist you in making sense of revised Carbon Tax Bill and aid you to comment on the Carbon Tax Bill.

Eco Impact offers in-house training on the proposed carbon tax in South Africa.

The training will include the following:

  • Applicability of the Carbon Tax Bill
  • What scope of operations are taxable
  • The emission sources
  • How to calculate your actual tax liability

Carbon Tax links to the DEA air quality/energy reporting and carbon foot printing

  • National Atmospheric Emission Reporting Regulations
  • Declaration of Greenhouse Gases and Priority Air Pollutants
  • National Pollution Prevention Plans Regulations
  • National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Regulations
  • How to calculate the different allowances

If you are interested, please contact Jessica for an obligation free quote.

Tel: 021 671 1660


Date posted: 18 December, 2017 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: News

Statement by the City’s Executive Mayor, Patricia de Lille

Today I visited the Postdam Wastewater Treatment Works where the City of Cape Town is making treated wastewater available to businesses dependent on water. By using treated water, businesses are reducing their use and reliance on drinking water. this is one of may ways in which the City and businesses are adapting to water scarcity and stretching drinking water supplies for essential use.

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Date posted: 7 December, 2017 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: News

Recycling sewage into potable, drinking water is an extensive and complicated process, but it could be part of the solution for water-scare South Africa in future. The issue has come into the spotlight since the World Health Organisation published its “Portable Reuse Guidance for Producing Safe Drinking Water 2017′ report.

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Date posted: 31 August, 2017 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: News

Fire risk assessments are the ideal way to develop and improve fire risk management from documenting findings, categorisation of risk areas, recommendations or requirements fir improvements as well as prioritisation of risk improvement measures, says the Fire Protection Association of Southern Africa (FPASA) MD Renay Sewpersad.

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Date posted: 25 August, 2017 | Author: | No Comments »

Categories: News